Tom and Meg Names Aquatics Center Dedication

Steady rainfall could not dampen the spirits at the dedication of the Tom and Meg Names Aquatics Center on March 1. Erin Names Shagren and Monica Names-King honored their parents, Tom and Meg, who passed away in 2016, by supporting Westmont’s women’s swim team. A grant from the Tom and Meg Names Family Foundation in 2018 allowed Westmont to launch the swim team, hire a head coach and improve the facilities. “We both agreed that funding the swimming program was a great opportunity and something my parents would be excited about,” Erin says. She and her husband, Mark, are the parents of Megan Shagren ’18. Their investment is yielding a great return: The six-women team finished eighth in the nation this year and were all named Academic All-Americans.

Pool Hours

The pool is open during the academic year and throughout the summer.  Check Westmont Pool Hours for the current schedule.

Swim Lessons

Swimming instruction occurs in a heated pool and a focused environment for children ages 4 or older.

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